20 Ekim 2008 Pazartesi

What do the colours say?

Red is the color of fire and blood, so it is associated with energy, war, danger, strength, power, determination as well as passion, desire, and love.
White is associated with light, goodness, innocence, purity, and virginity. It is considered to be the color of perfection.
White means safety, purity, and cleanliness. As opposed to black, white usually has a positive connotation. White can represent a successful beginning.
Orange combines the energy of red and the happiness of yellow. It is associated with joy, sunshine, and the tropics. Orange represents enthusiasm, fascination, happiness, creativity, determination, attraction, success, encouragement, and stimulation.
Yellow is the color of sunshine. It's associated with joy, happiness, intellect, and energy.
Yellow produces a warming effect, arouses cheerfulness, stimulates mental activity, and generates muscle energy. Yellow is often associated with food.

Green is the color of nature. It symbolizes growth, harmony, freshness, and fertility. Green has strong emotional correspondence with safety. Dark green is also commonly associated with money.
Blue is the color of the sky and sea. It is often associated with depth and stability. It symbolizes trust, loyalty, wisdom, confidence, intelligence, faith, truth, and heaven.
Blue is considered beneficial to the mind and body. It slows human metabolism and produces a calming effect. Blue is strongly associated with tranquility and calmness.

Purple combines the stability of blue and the energy of red. Purple is associated with royalty. It symbolizes power, nobility, luxury, and ambition. It conveys wealth and extravagance. Purple is associated with wisdom, dignity, independence, creativity, mystery, and magic.

Black is associated with power, elegance, formality, death, evil, and mystery.
Black is a mysterious color associated with fear and the unknown. It usually has a negative connotation . Black denotes strength and authority; it is considered to be a very formal, elegant, and prestigious color.

Pink is a combination of red and white. The quality of energy in pink is determined by how much red is present. White is the potential for fullness, while red helps you to achieve that potential. Pink combines these energies.Pink is the color of universal love. Pink is a quiet color. Lovers of beauty favor pink. A pink carnation means "I will never forget you".

Potential in a seed and a person

When we look at a seed of a corn,what do we think?Do we think that it has big potential?I don't know your answers but my answer is "yes".Because i think it has a story.Let me tell you:we sow a seed under the ground,it grows and gives its fruit,a corn.How many seeds have a corn?3-4 hundreds...Think about sowing all these corns.From one seed of a corn we can obtain hundreds of seeds.This increases year by year and only a seed makes a giant seed bunch.Therefore,a seed has big potantialto produce lots of seeds.Okey then,if we look at seed's appearance,do we say"this small thing has this potential"?I think "no".If we think details,we may say this.Anyway,we look at a person,this can be ourselves,in this way.Do our appearence say us that we have big potential?I think"no".If we go our inner life,we can find our likes,dislikes,passions,desires,hobbies...From our desires,we want to learn French,for example.but we don't know whether we have potential or not.Neverthless,we start learning and we have managed.After that we have started to trust ourselves and we think that if i have managed to learn French,i can managed to learn Russian,too.So, this goes like that as in the seed's story.One achievement brings another and at last you have gained lots of achievements and confidence.Your hidden potential let you do all these.The main matter is taking this potential out.To do this we mustn't be afraid of trying something new.so,we should think that we can do more things than we suppose:)))

Gaining my confidence again

Last summer,i wanted my father to teach me how to He accepted and i started taking my driving lessons from my father.At first i wasn't able to start driving the car.Then i could drive a bit and after that my father said me "stop the car" I could stop.I think stopping the car is much easier than starting to drive the car.Because while starting to drive,you need to something a bit complicated,like putting your legs two pedals at the same time and while you are putting your one leg on the gas pedal,you should raise your other leg from the clutch pedal.You must do these things in balance.For this reason,i had difficulty in starting to drive the car because of not balancing my legs.With trying again and again i managed to drive.Moreover,i drove my family and my aunt to home.They were all surprised.My father was very happy and proud.But one day we were at our village and i asked my father for driving car.He gave me permission but ı had fear inside.Then ı started to drive.After a while,i came across a lorry and i was going to drive to the left side of the road but the lorry driver drove the left side instead of the right.At that time i lost my control and started to drive up the sand dune.It was horrible.My father was telling me to stop but i didn't know what to do.At last my father shouted at me "STOP THE CAR" that time i could stop the car.If i had continued driving the car,the car would have turned over and we could have gotten injured.After that i got off the car and my father drove the car through the road.But when i looked at the lorry,the men were laughing at me and i got angry.I started to cry.My father came and huge me then he said me "Get on the car and drive it again"I was surprised and said "I can't.Because my leg are trembling" My father said "Don't be afraid of trying again.You can do it" Then i got on the car and drove.I gained my confidence again with the help of my father.This paragraph is so long,i know.But i want to share my experience with you:)))

19 Ekim 2008 Pazar


I am Aycan ÇAĞLAR.I am from Çarşıbaşı in Trabzon.I graduated from Beşikdüzü Anatolian Teacher Training High School.I have a family that consists of six people.I have two brothers and a sister.I am a bit homesick, i love my family and my hometown a lot:)I like listening to music.I listen songs that describes my mood.If i am happy,i listen joyful melodies.If i am sad, i listen gloomy melodies.I like reading boook but generally i cannot find enough time to read.The thing i like most is going to picnic with my family and friends.I think, i am typical of Trabzonian people because if i am angry i am like the waves of the sea(irritable), i am like a crazy person and i shout at everyone.But if i am happy ,i am like the sunny days in Trabzon,i am very energetic and bright.Anyway, i hope we will share good days with each other and i am happy to be one of the friends of yours:)))

Differences between Lazs and people from Trabzon

Lazs live in Rize,Hopa,Artvin.Some people assume that they live in Trabzon,too.But it is not true.Because Lazs speak different language,the Laz language that people from Trabzon do not speak.For example;they say "psomin"which means "ekmek" in Turkish and they say "omata"which means"göz".You see it is very different from Turkish.In Trabzon people speak with Blacksea accent.They say"geliyrum,habu,ne yapaysun?,emica..."but these words are in Turkish.Only difference is in the pronounciation.Lazs' traditional folk dance is a bit different from Trabzon folk dance,too.Their folk dance is "Hemşin horonu" while our dance is "Akçaabat horonu".But in society these differences are not matter.We can communicate and share everything with each other.I want to correct some wrong believes;people from East Blacksea Region is not lazy and sillyas in the Temel's tales.O n the contarary,they are active in their jobs and they are intelligent,i believe:))))

14 Ekim 2008 Salı

All about my beloved hometown,TRABZON

Trabzon is a very nice place ,especially for green and sea lovers .When you look at the mountains,you can see every tune of green and when you look at the sea,we can see the blue life in which fishermen live and you can dream and relax by watching the view that streches the blue horizon.For history lovers,Sumela Monastery,which is located on the rocky mountain,Ayasophia Museum,Trabzon Castle,Atatürk's home are the choices.Barbecue lovers can go Uzungöl and eat delicious "hamsi ızgara"while relaxing in the green valley by breating the fresh air.Boztepe is a famous place in Trabzon which is prefered by families,friends,lovers and picnic makers.It is the highest place of the center of Trabzon.When you are there, Trabzon is under your feet.Trabzon bread is famous,also.Even if you eat one slice of it,your hunger goes away.Keşan is the traditional cloth which is used to make cloths,bags and peştemal.Oh!I forgot :)We have the storm of the Blacksea,Trabzonspor.Even though our team could bot be champion for years:(,we are hopeful this year.It is all from me.But if you want to learn more about Trabzon,just search on the net or you can go on holiday in Trabzon and experience these all things.You will not be regretful,i believe:)))