20 Ekim 2008 Pazartesi

Potential in a seed and a person

When we look at a seed of a corn,what do we think?Do we think that it has big potential?I don't know your answers but my answer is "yes".Because i think it has a story.Let me tell you:we sow a seed under the ground,it grows and gives its fruit,a corn.How many seeds have a corn?3-4 hundreds...Think about sowing all these corns.From one seed of a corn we can obtain hundreds of seeds.This increases year by year and only a seed makes a giant seed bunch.Therefore,a seed has big potantialto produce lots of seeds.Okey then,if we look at seed's appearance,do we say"this small thing has this potential"?I think "no".If we think details,we may say this.Anyway,we look at a person,this can be ourselves,in this way.Do our appearence say us that we have big potential?I think"no".If we go our inner life,we can find our likes,dislikes,passions,desires,hobbies...From our desires,we want to learn French,for example.but we don't know whether we have potential or not.Neverthless,we start learning and we have managed.After that we have started to trust ourselves and we think that if i have managed to learn French,i can managed to learn Russian,too.So, this goes like that as in the seed's story.One achievement brings another and at last you have gained lots of achievements and confidence.Your hidden potential let you do all these.The main matter is taking this potential out.To do this we mustn't be afraid of trying something new.so,we should think that we can do more things than we suppose:)))

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