Emre Aydın is one of my favourite singers. He is 27 years old and he was born in Isparta. He studied economy in 9 Eylül University. His family wanted him to study dentistry but he chose music and became a singer and composer. He first made fame as a group named "6. cadde" in 2003 . He with his group friend joined a competition "Sing Your Song" and was chosen Turkey's number one and then they made an album. After his group friend left the group, Emre Aydın continued his way alone and made an album named "Afili Yalnızlık". Emre Aydın gained great fame with this album and was chosen the second best-seller singer in Turkey. In this year on 6 December Emre Aydın took the Europe' s best one award and in Mtv Europe Music Awards he passed lots of number one singers in Europe and gained the status of the number one of the Europe. I am proud of him. I like his charecter. Because he is quite sober and serious. He writes songs and poems very successfully. When I listen his songs, I can find myself in them. They tell about real life and love. Emre Aydın has a great effect on me.Ilike him so much:)))
The names of his songs:Git, Çığlık çığlığa, kim dokunduysa sana, dayan yalnızlığım,yine de, afili yalnızlık, belki bir gün özlersin, bu kez anladım, hareket vakti, kalan sağlar senin olsun, unut gittiğin bir yerde, ve gülümse şimdi...
If you want to learn more, you can visit this adress: http://emreaydin.org
3 yorum:
I love his songs my friend but I don't know anything about his life. Thanks for sharing with us.
he is also my favorite singer.thanks for your sharing
I have known him for twelve years....He is my brother:)) When Emre Aydın became popular, me and my friends were kidding about this similarity.After reading your text,this came to my mind and I wanted to share:)
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